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    10 Absolutely Simple Ways to Have Safe Diwali With Pets

    Diwali is never a happy news for pets. Dogs have a highly pronounced auditory senses and they pick up noise from smallest of crackers blowing up in the neighborhood during Diwali. Some dogs get so disoriented, that they start running here and there. Do you know, firecrackers may cause disorientation, anxiety, seizures and even heart attacks in dogs. And, if owners leave the doors open, chances are that some may get lost in the noisy environment of festivities.

    Many dogs get so “traumatized” that it takes weeks to get back to normal behavior. Street dogs and birds suffer the worst. Every year, several pets and strays go missing on Diwali as they try to protect themselves from the loud noises and toxic fumes emitted by firecrackers.

    Let’s get down to the simple ways by which we can have safe & noise free Diwali for our pets:

    1. Celebrate 2019 Diwali In Environment-Friendly Way

    Say NO to crackers, reduce your bit of noise and air pollution. Diwali is festival of lights and we should do away with bursting of firecrackers. Involve others also to play a noise free Diwali. One can also put posters in society, school, college or office asking people to be kind to animals, burst no or minimal crackers and that too in a centralized location.

    Source: Pixabay

    Air pollution during Diwali affects us as well as our pets and may lead to respiratory problems. Instead, we all must encourage planting of trees and gift saplings. Also, make sure that your pets are not sniffing gunpowder as it goes directly into the lungs and causes serious health problems.

    2. Keep Pets Indoor and Soundproof your house during Diwali

    Keep the doors and windows closed when fireworks start. It will help cut down the noise from outside. One can also try ear muffs for the dogs. Bring them 2-3 days before Diwali as sometimes dogs resist them first but should get accustomed to it. You should keep the curtains drawn during the prime hour of Diwali celebrations. Do not let your pet move out of the house. For ventilation, try to have an AC or fan running at optimum temperature. Invest in giving your Pet’s an ID tag with your name, address, and contact number or microchip.

    Source: Pixabay

    3. Consult Your Veterinarian in Advance

    During Diwali, Vets can also be on holiday. Check for availability of your vet or an alternative in case of emergency. If your pet is prone to anxiety, discuss with your vet a few days before Diwali to get age-and-breed-specific advice.

    Source: Pixabay

    If necessary, the vet can suggest the right anti-anxiety medicines or supplements for your pet. Also, be ready with your First-aid kit for any emergency.

    4. Keep TV / Radio on or Play Some Music

    Play a nice instrumental track or keep your TV /Radio on a high volume to shield the outside noise. Soothing music is known to calm dogs down and stimulate sleep. Human voice gives them assurance of safety.

    Source: Pixabay

    5. Don’t Leave Your Dog Alone on Diwali

    Being near to pets and giving your pets a company during the bursting of firecrackers, is one of the best ways to ensure that your pets are calm and comfortable. Never leave your dog alone on Diwali, especially when you have a puppy or a senior. Leaving the dog alone adds to the anxiety.

    Source: Pixabay

    If left alone, pets can panic due to the loud noises. Cats tend to run away in the presence of unpleasant sound, light or colors. Having familiar people around distracts your pet from all the noise outside. Pets feel safe in the company of their owners.

    6. Look out for behavioral changes in your Pet

    Many dogs take the noise from the crackers as a threat and tend to get aggressive. If your pet hides under the table or bed due to any loud noise and lights, don’t panic and don’t force your pet to come out. It’s their natural instinct to hide. Stay Calm and act confidently. Just let them deal naturally with it.

    Source: Pixabay

    Pets pick up the signals and perceive a situation as threatening or normal on the basis of owner’s behavior. Call out your pet’s name in a reassuring tone. Don’t comfort your pet, this can worsen the problem. Your dog may mistake your behavior as praise, thereby encouraging it to be frightened at loud noises!

    Visit your vet if you notice any change in the behavior of your pet, like excessive trembling, crying, panting, salivating, untimely urination or defecation, not eating food etc. after Diwali.

    7. Walk & Feed the Pet Before Celebrations Begin

    Alter your pet’s routine a bit by giving them a walk or by feeding them before the celebrations begin. Your pro-activeness can help your pet a lot.

    Source: Pixabay

    8. Make Them Play During Day Time

    Play a little extra during the day with the help of a ball or toys with your growing puppy or an energetic adult, so that they are tired and sleep during the evening hours when crackers are bursting.  This would help to minimize problems during evening festive time.

    Source: Pixabay

    9. No Festive Sweets to Pets

    Festive Sweets, dry fruits, chocolates, raisins can be unhealthy and even dangerous for your pets. Table scraps from a Diwali dinner can upset their digestion. Feed your pets before your guests arrive or party time.

    Source: Pixabay

    10. Taking care of strays

    Try and stop people of your locality from throwing or tying crackers to street dogs and always try not to scare them. Refrain people from bursting crackers near street dogs. Try to keep food and water for strays outside. If there is a stray dog that lives in your society, let him or her into your building during the festival. One must also keep contact information for local municipal corporations, NGOs and surrounding animal shelters handy.

    Source: Pixabay

    With firecracker ban in Delhi-NCR, enjoy this festival season along with your pets by keeping these tips in mind. Share your experiences of how you and your pet celebrated Diwali this year.

    Make this Diwali a noise free & pet-friendly Diwali.

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