Diwali celebrations are grand this year and people are going all out to celebrate the festival of lights after staying low key for the past two years. While we are enjoying the festivities, it’s important to prevent our pets from noise as well as smoke from firecrackers. Here’s how our celebs plan to take care of their pets this Diwali…
Saving Mui
Aniruddh Dave

Not only pets, we should also think about stray animals. People burn firecrackers for fun and irritate animals, treat animals like props. I request all to avoid such things. Global warming is a reality and so we should try to control pollution. I make sure that my pet Mui is kept in the room and the door and windows are closed shut.
Noise control
Sudhanshu Pandey

I have two pet dogs – Jackie and Pepper. At home we try to take utmost care of our pets on Diwali. We don’t leave them alone as they get scared. We refrain from travelling during these times. We make sure that doors and windows are shut so that noises don’t reach and they don’t get agitated.
Comfy corner
Charrul Malik

We wait for Diwali so eagerly but animals on the other hand are scared of it. Della (my pet) is very sensitive, so she sits in a corner hiding during Diwali. We don’t take her for walks and keep her closed in a room where the noise doesn’t reach. We are fortunate that we live on the 16th floor where noise is less.
Indoor plan
Megha Kishore

The city is already polluted, so I would never support crackers. I would request my friends and fans not to burst crackers this Diwali. I stay at home with my family as we have puja. My pet also stays indoors. That’s the safest option for our furry friends.
Distracting Majnu
Subuhi Joshi

I think no matter how much we promote ‘Say No To Crackers’, people will still burst crackers. So, I don’t think it’s possible to have a soundless Diwali. I keep all my doors and windows closed. Though it is said that you should keep doors and windows open during Diwali, I keep it shut to avoid the noises. I keep the television on so that my pet, Majnu, (her pet) is distracted.