The age at which a dog stops growing varies depending on the breed of dog. Large breeds such as Great Danes and Saint Bernards typically stop growing around 12 to 18 months, while smaller breeds like Chihuahuas may stop growing at around 8 or 9 months.
However, it’s important to note that while the bones may stop growing, muscle and fat deposits may continue to develop, so a dog may not reach its full adult weight until it is 2 years old or older.
If you have a pup, an obvious question arises in your mind about what age they stop growing. For shelter dogs, people are unaware of the breed type. But, as we are affectionate about our pups, this thing doesn’t matter to us. We try to provide whatever they require for their healthy growth.
However, there are no fixed rules about their growth. It depends upon the breed type, genetic order, and size. Genetical analysis of a dog can help determine the age of your pet. But, it can be a costly affair. Growth and maturity are two different specifications that may confuse us.
To analyze them, we have to go through three stages. Primary stages fall into three types -dental, skeletal, and sexual. Dental teeth start to develop in their jawline, replacing baby teeth. The bone structure of the dog takes shape in the skeletal stage. Thus, no incomplete part is left. In a time of sexual development, they are ready to mate.

Research shows that maturity varies from breed to breed. Dental development depends on size and breed. Like in a wolf, a german shepherd develops maturity regarding dental issues at six to seven months of age.
Before this age, the vet usually decides their age through teeth. This method makes it tough to determine their age when matured teeth develop. Various dental diseases like the falling of teeth make vets confused about determining the accurate age of the dog.
Genetic issues can be confusing too. For example, small dogs develop tartar a little early than large ones. Independent of size, some dogs develop dental issues early, while others have no issues at an older age. Still, teeth are a valuable identification related to growth.
For example, if you have adopted a mature dog who hasn’t changed a bit physically after a few years with you, then definitely aging of the dog is undetectable. Dog’s breed differs from their aging. GSD is aged at six to seven months, whereas in the case of bull terriers, it is five to eight months.
For easy assumption, consider the age of 8 years as the standard age of maturity. When their dental development is almost on the verge of ending, it signifies all teeth are developed, and home dental care will be the norm.

Generally, dogs reach their maximum growth at ten to eleven months, but some exception is there. For example, dogs like the basset hound and dachshund reach a height at eight to nine months due to their abnormal structure of bone and cartilage formation. Skeletal maturity depends upon a few factors like leg length, breed type, neutering age, and nutrition.
Sexual maturity is an important aspect. There is a chance of population overload and when to recast the pet. It’s developed in domestic dogs. It does not mean that all dogs reach sexual maturity before dental one. So, a dog with a pup’s teeth can reach this stage.
Be careful about their dental maturity. It would be best if you took care of a crucial part of their life. After dental growth, there is a possibility of sexual growth that may develop into unwanted breeding. It is time to purchase a new crate with a bigger proportion than the old one.