Saturday, March 29, 2025

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    Kennel Club of India Licensed Judge Mr. Partha Sekhar Chatterjee

    Kennel Club of India Licensed Judge. Commenced All Breeds judging from 1986. He was introduced to the world of pigeon racing, exotic birds and of course dogs from his birth. His father was a big game hunter and breeding and showing dogs (mainly Bull Terriers & Fox Terriers) was a routine affair in the Chatterjee household. Partha has bred and exhibited several breeds like the Greater German Spitz, Doberman’s, Whippets, Pomeranian’s, Dachshund Std. Smooths, GSD‘s, Boxer’s, Rottweiler’s, Great Danes, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, English Cocker Spaniels, Pugs and Lhasa Apso’s making up numerous champions and top winners. Past committee member of the Kennel Club of India. and presently associated with several kennel clubs. Commenced judging internationally from the year 1989 and since then has judged several shows in Australia and New Zealand repeatedly. In 1989 he was one of the judge’s for the Melbourne Royal and his other prestigious appointments also include the Pal Blue Ribbon Awards in Auckland, the 2000 Brisbane Royal, the Hobart Royal in 2004 and in 2008 he was one of the judges for the 45th Eurodogshow held in Kortrijk, Belgium. Over the years he has also judged in countries like Hong Kong, Nepal, Indonesia, South Africa, Thailand, China, Belarus , Malaysia and the Philippines. He has many domestic & international all breeds appointments in 2009 (Minsk), Gibraltar, Taiwan and in 2010 Australia and New Zealand, & 2011 in several countries. Partha owns a pharmacy and a veterinary clinic attended by several veterinarians treating dogs and other animals. Now his new addition is a pet shop in the name & style of Pets & Plant World, which people visit for a world class pet shop experience. Advisory Council Member of the popular Indian pet magazine “Pet India” for which he writes a monthly column. He also writes for magazine DOG NEWS published in Sydney, Australia.

    No.92 Garpar Road, Kolkata – 700 009
    Description : All Breeds
    Phone : 033-31039690/23505877
    Mob. : +91 9830795502
    Fax : +91 3323513424
    Email :

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