Saturday, March 29, 2025

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    Tips & Hacks: How To Travel With Your Fur Babies

    Always wanted to travel with your fur friends but not sure how it may turn out? We talked to some people who gave us much-needed tips on how to take furry buddies along on trips and how to allow them to become your number one travel companions.

    Siddharth Parekh, pet parent and Chief Technology Officer at PetKonnect

    Siddharth with Fifi

    He runs a platform that provides health and wellness services for pets and is also a proud pet parent to a rescue dog named Fifi. He says travelling with pets can help build stronger trust between the pets and their parents. Make sure you find the best pet-friendly accommodation and get permission to travel with pets if you are taking public transportation. Have pet ID tags with microchips, proof of vaccination, and a pet passport when travelling internationally. He also emphasises the importance of packing your pet’s favourite blanket and toys. 

    Oindrilla Gupto, pet parent

    Oindrilla with lipstick

    Having road trips with fur balls can be extremely fun and exciting. However, making them comfortable in cars before planning long rides is an aspect that needs to be focused on. Dogs can travel in cars, but long drives can sometimes lead to restlessness. Former journalist Oindrilla Gupto, who is now a student at the University of Limerick in Ireland, and a proud parent of a dog named Lipstick and four cats named Mogambo, Laado, Zoya, and Phoolan Devi, tells us that her dog can travel easily in a car. But it is necessary for dogs to relieve themselves, have ample food and water, and take three to four walks throughout the ride. However, keeping in mind that cats can be too curious and tend to go out of bounds when travelling a greater distance, Gupto makes sure to plan shorter trips with them. She also goes on luxury vacations with them. Gupto shares that pets can get anxious if left alone in cars or hotel rooms. Hence, it is better to stay with them all the time on a trip.

    Priyansha Mishra, founder, On Her Way

    Photo Credit: Commando and Priyansha

    A well travelled dog who has covered states from the south to the northeast, Commando is an eight-year-old Labrador who lives with Priyansha Mishra, founder of On Her Way, a community that aims to make travelling for women safer and better. Mishra shares that since her father had an army background, the family would shift to a new place every two years, hence Commando got used to travelling. Though road trips are fun for the lab, he tends to get a little uncomfortable during the first few hours of the journey. She says that this can be the case with a lot of pets, so keeping windows open and comforting them by sitting with them helps a lot.

    Apart from the above tips, all the pet parents agreed that carrying your furry companion’s litter tray, eating bowls, favourite treats, chest leashes (so they do not choke the pet), water, newspapers, and wet tissues are the essentials that one cannot forget to pack.

    They also advise that you consult a vet before travelling to find out if your fur babies are ready for the trip. Carrying their first aid kit is a must-have when they are accompanying you on the trip. Gupto shares that her dog Lipstick suffers from a heart condition, hence she carries Lipstick’s medicines and digestive syrups for her cats.

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