After obesity, anxiety is the biggest reason for a pet’s heart condition.
After obesity, anxiety is the biggest reason for a pet’s heart condition. Several factors contribute to the state; however, with the correct knowledge we can help reduce their anxiety to a large extent.
Dr. Mohit Lalvani, Founder, Captain Zack, shares, “For example, a dog that has developed anxiety will resort to destructive behaviour because of triggers that cause him a lot of stress, while an untrained dog will be destructive without stressors. It is very important to identify the real reason behind your dog’s behaviour before you start exploring solutions. Your pet might try to tell you that he’s stressed by pushing his ears back, tucking his tail, salivating, yawning, licking his muzzle, or ..
Other, more obvious signs of dog anxiety include cowering or hiding, trembling, panting, or expressing his anal glands. The best way to treat your furry friend is to determine the cause. Anxiety is usually apparent and easily identified. Here are few ways to calm pet anxiety.
Structure the routine
Having a predictable daily routine helps your dog anticipate when he’ll get to eat, go outside, bathe, rest and relax and spend time playing with you; this could help him feel more confident and less edgy. Especially if the pet’s stress seems to stem from separation anxiety.
Physical contact
Physical touch supports reduced anxiety and aggression in dogs. Gentle petting seems to help dogs stay calmer during stressful or uncomfortable situations like getting shots or having their blood drawn – it gives them reassurance which is good for their heart rate. Cuddling on the couch or giving them a good long petting session adds to their calm quotient.

Music & sound healing
The power of music can be calming and relaxing while you’re home, in the car, or away from your pet. Classical music like Mozart and Beethoven has also been shown to reduce stress in dogs, and even encourage them to bark less.
Calming Coats/Compression wraps
Calming coats and t-shirts apply slight, continuous pressure to a dog’s torso, surrounding a dog much like a swaddling cloth on a baby. It’s recommended for dogs with any type of anxiety induced by travel, separation, noise, or stranger anxiety.Depending on the size of your dog, there are several brands and models to choose from.
Use veterinary licensed products to ensure that the customers pets are happy and healthy. Give your pets meals that are fresh & easy to digest, made from only choicest fresh meat and veggies. Use organic fibre rich ingredients and herbs like Ashwagandha that help boost immunity, promotes longevity and your pet’s overall wellbeing.Additionally, using the right chemical free grooming products like lavender essential oils helps calm the pet’s nerves.
Medication & alternative therapies
Consider meeting with a board-certified veterinary behaviourist or certified applied animal behaviourist, who can guide you with a specific plan to change your dog’s underlying emotional response. Non-invasive products like CBD oil, bach flower remedies & immunity boosters in food like Ashwagandha herbs show a remarkable difference in the pet’s behaviour.